Wastewater treatment monitoring system using MiniPLC IIOT

Wastewater treatment monitoring system using MiniPLC IIOT

Equipment used:


- PH sensor, Conductivity sensor, Turbidity sensor, Water temperature sensor.

- Sirens, warning lights.

- Monitoring dashboard.

System functions:

- Collect sensor data in real time.

- Allows setting stability parameters and system warning parameters.

- Live monitoring via Dashboard by phone or computer.

- Send notifications to users via App/Mail.

- There is a historical analysis table that records sensor usage data.

- Store data and export detailed reports to Excel.

MiniPLC-IIoT-V6: Smart solution for wastewater treatment systems

In the context of growing industrialization, the need for effective and sustainable wastewater treatment becomes urgent. MiniPLC-IIoT-V6, with IoT connectivity and flexible control capabilities, has opened a new direction in automating and monitoring wastewater treatment systems.

Why choose MiniPLC-IIoT-V6?

Diverse connectivity: MiniPLC-IIoT-V6 can connect to many different types of sensors to measure important parameters such as pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen concentration, water level, flow, …

Control: The device allows controlling equipment in the wastewater treatment system such as pumps, valves, aerators,...

Remote monitoring: Through web interface or mobile application, users can monitor and control the system remotely, anytime and anywhere.

Data analysis: Data collected from sensors will be processed and analyzed to make effective system adjustment decisions.

Easy integration: MiniPLC-IIoT-V6 easily integrates with existing systems and other management software.

The device supports many types of programming languages ​​to optimize the system:


 Simple monitoring interface, easy to monitor via computer or phone.


 Export reports for system monitoring:


Benefits of using MiniPLC-IIoT-V6 in wastewater treatment:

- Improve efficiency: Optimize processing, reduce operating costs.

Environmental protection: Ensure wastewater quality before discharging into the environment.

Increased reliability: Minimize the risk of problems.

Collect data: Provide data to analyze and evaluate system performance.


MiniPLC-IIoT-V6 is an efficient and flexible solution for automating and monitoring wastewater treatment systems. With powerful connectivity, control and data analysis capabilities, this device helps improve system efficiency and reliability, while also contributing to environmental protection.

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